Software News |

"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.3 released
Changes in this version:
- Resolved an issue causing the first calendar week of the current and next year to be incorrectly highlighted.
- Corrected a visual glitch that resulted in text being partially trimmed due to rounded corners.
- Adjusted the default calendar week setting to align with the US format for users in the region "US" after installation.
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2024-01-03 |
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.2 released
Changes in this version:
- Fixed tint color of title in watchOS.
- Changed back/forward button color from blue to black color in iOS.
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2022-11-13 |
ExifRenamer V2.4.0 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- ExifRenamer is now a Universal macOS Binary and runs on the super cool Apple Silicon Macs and Intel Macs natively.
- ExifRenamer did not update the creation date (if this option was activated) for the case that the file name didn't change during renaming.
- Fixed a daylight savings time problem when handling RIFF/AVI file formats.
- Fixed broken PayPal link.
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2020-11-19 |
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.1 released
This version makes the app compatible with older devices running watchOS 6 and iOS 13.
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2020-11-07 |
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.0 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- Made the calendar week list the root menu of the watchOS app.
- Fixed the extra large complication where in some cases the displayed information was to wide an truncated by watchOS.
- Added an iOS app to the standalone watchOS app due to the fact that a lot of users complaining that they weren't able to install the watch app due to a known bug within the iOS/watchOS AppStore infrastructure.
- Recompiled using the latest version of Xcode
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2020-10-31 |
"CW 1 to 53" V1.0.2 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- Recompiled using the latest version of Xcode
- The data displayed in the user interface is now updated in more occasions
- Added a version information in the main menu
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2020-04-22 |
"CW 1 to 53" V1.0.1 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- The calendar week list is now updated if the week has changed since the last start of the app
- Added support for the calendar week systems ISO8601 (Europe) and US (changeable in the app settings)
- Added information about the number of calendar weeks of the current year to the weekly list ("#CW: xx")
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2020-02-19 |
"CW 1 to 53" V1.0.0 released
At least in Europe, planning on the basis of calendar weeks is an indispensable tool in professional life.
As I am an avid user of Apple Watch and would like to have the current date together with the current calendar week always displayed on the watch face, I looked around for appropriate apps. Apps already exist, but none of them met my expectations in terms of configurability, functionality and ease of use with a visually appealing user interface.
For this reason I developed my own app for the Apple Watch, which I publish hereby.
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2020-02-10 |
Oscilyzer V1.0.0 released
Since I have been interested in digital measurement technology for a very long time, I developed an app many years ago, which is a combination of oscilloscope, spread spectrum analyzer and AM/FM synthesizer. This app has been continuously improved for a long time, adapted to new technologies (e.g. Apple's graphic accelerator Metal) and always used only for me personally.
But since the state of the app can be described as mature and surely other people can use it for their own experiments and measurements, I decided to publish it now... :-)
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2020-02-09 |
Compatibility information about ExifRenamer and macOS "Catalina"
Due to the fact that I get repeated requests about the compatibility of ExifRenamer to macOS "Catalina":
Since version 2.2.0, ExifRenamer is a 64bit application. During 2018/2019, I've spent quite some time to clean up the source code of ExifRenamer to being able to provide a modern implementation of this application.
As a result, I've successfully tested ExifRenamer with the beta and release versions of macOS Catalina! :-)
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2019-10-21 |
ExifRenamer V2.3.3 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- Added support for file formats using the QuickTime movie container (MOV, MPEG4, MP4, M4V, ...).
- Fixed a problem which caused a crash when ExifRenamer tried to append evaluated file type suffix information.
- Fixed a problem with retrieving a correct date/time from RIFF/AVI file formats.
- Added support for the ancient JPEG "Picture Info" tag which was used by certain old cameras.
- Added the possibility to filter out all Exif dates which appear before a definable date. This allows to deal with unset camera clocks or broken time stamp information.
- ExifRenamer now allows to use the file modification date as date/time source, as well (selectable within naming style preferences).
- Changed the way how ExifRenamer handles hidden files and folders: Previously, only files with "." as prefix were ignored. Now, all files and folders (!) which are invisible within the Finder are ignored. This option can be disabled.
- Added the possibility to add a suffix to the counter. This makes it possible to recreate the Finder's typical "Name (2).jpg" scheme in case of multiple files with identical names.
- Fixed the behaviour of the subsecond options %b and %B to match the description.
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2019-02-09 |
ExifRenamer V2.3.2 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- Fixed a bug which caused ExifRenamer to "forget" several preferences settings.
- Fixed some typos in the German translation.
- Improved the version check mechanism to correctly show update information when using beta versions of ExifRenamer, as well.
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2018-12-22 |
ExifRenamer V2.3.1 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- ExifRenamer is now able to create hierarchical folder structures when moving the pictures. For example, you can now generate folder structures like YEAR/MONTH/DAY/picturename.
- Fixed multiple typos within application and documentation texts.
- Reduced the size of the enclosed introduction/documentation PDFs.
- Added support for the "Hardened Runtime" on macOS 10.14.
- ExifRenamer is now a so called "Notarized App" which means it is checked through Apple's security servers. This feature was introduced by Apple with macOS Mojave.
- Added twitter links to the about window and the documentation.
- Added the possibility to extract and use GPS location information as placeholder.
- Fixed the missing realtime update of the name preview when typing within the prefix/suffix text fields of the confirm file/folder windows.
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2018-12-09 |
ExifRenamer V2.3.0 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- Integrated the new application icon which was designed by Benjamin. Thank you so much Benjamin for your incredible work and effort you've put into this topic! The new appearance of ExifRenamer was worth an increase in the middle digit of the version number... ;-)
- Fixed a problem within preferences, where the substring type popup button was not updated with the saved setting.
- Added a dedicated "Drag&Drop Window" for those users who do not want to use ExifRenamer's application icon as drag&drop-target.
- The renaming confirmation window is now shown directly below the renaming progress window.
- Fixed a bug which caused ExifRenamer to assume that no change in the file name means "file already exists".
- The file/folder status in the confirm info window is now updated during typing.
- Added support for adding subsecond information to the format string.
- Fixed a problem where ExifRenamer used the wrong prefix/suffix setting when a custom prefix was set within the "confirm each file" dialog but the renaming was performed without "Confirm each file" option active.
- Added the option to evaluate the file type suffix from the file contents.
- Added the option to skip renaming if a file date was not retrievable, at all.
- Added support for macOS Mojave's "dark mode".
- Limited the automatic update check to a maximum of once every 24 hours.
- Applied UI improvements for Retina displays.
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2018-10-07 |
Added a new JavaScript section
This new section currently contains ports of some of my old Java applets which makes it possible to run them in every web browser.
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2018-06-29 |
ExifRenamer V2.2.3 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- Fixed the application signing process to avoid a warning from macOS Gatekeeper about the app being from a non verified macOS developer.
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2018-06-03 |
ExifRenamer V2.2.2 released
Here are the changes of this version:
- Corrected handling for handling endianess of RAW files (Motorola/Intel)
- Fixed detection and processing of Nikon RAW files (.NEF)
- Added the option to drop files to the about window for easier drag&drop operation.
- Fixed a serious bug which caused the "Skip" button to operate identically to the "Rename" button.
- Fixed support of TIFF format.
- Implemented an automatic update check on application launch (deactivatable).
- ExifRenamer now opens the about window if the dock icon was clicked while ExifRenamer is still running.
- Completely reworked the user interface to allow easy translation to other languages.
If you would like to translate ExifRenamer to your language, please contact me!
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2018-05-31 |
ExifRenamer V2.2.1 released
This version fixes a lot of smaller issues which mostly were present due to the massive work required to make version 2.2.0 possible.
Here are the changes of this version:
- Fixed the App Icon by replacing the old .icns file with an Images.xcassets variant.
- Fixed a serious bug which made ExifRenamer unusable if one of the new Exif format string options (%xE) was used.
- Added support for adding further Exif Information to the file names of the renamed pictures using the different %xE options. I added this option somewhen within the last 8 years, forgot about it and accidentally released it in a buggy state in 2.2.0.
- Added support for the second generation Canon RAW format (CR2).
- Fixed handling of certain RIFF/AVI/WAV date/time formats.
- Fixed the "delete files" option which was accidentally deactivated in the last release.
- Removed debug outputs.
- Integrated this "Version History" text into ExifRenamer's "Donation Information" window.
- After confirming the "Donation Information" window, the "About" window is now shown instead of the "Preferences" window.
- Changed the shortcut for opening the "Preferences" window from Cmd+P to the commonly used Cmd+, shortcut.
- Cleaned up Info.plist contents to match the latest recommendations for macOS.
- Performed a whole lot of internal code cleanup.
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2018-05-03 |
ExifRenamer V2.2.0 released
Hey, I'm back with some news after so many years! Stay tuned! :-)
After having started a complete rewrite of ExifRenamer using Swift, it became more
and more clear that this project will cost more time as I can currently invest in my spare time.
As an update of ExifRenamer became urgently required (due to the 64bit requirement of macOS High Sierra), I decided to go back to the old code basis and two perform the "Swiftyfication" on an incremental basis in the future.
It was a huge task to make ExifRenamer's ancient code compilable with the latest Xcode.
A lot of code cleanups and internal changes were required. But in the end, I succeeded in bringing
ExifRenamer "back to life"... :-)
ExifRenamer now is a 64bit and 32bit (x86) application with a deployment target of macOS 10.11 or later.
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2018-04-24 |
ExifRenamer V2.1.3 released
This version provides compatibility to Snow Leopard's "Image Capture" and fixes several smaller issues.
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2010-02-17 |
ExifRenamer V2.1.1 released
This version provides a "Check for updates..."-feature and fixes a language-problem of the PayPal system.
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2007-12-09 |
ExifRenamer V2.1.0 released
The main feature of this version is that ExifRenamer now is a Universal Binary application which runs natively on Mac OS X machines equipped with an intel or PowerPC processor. This version also fixes some smaller bugs.
I am currently working on a new major update of ExifRenamer which I could have ready within some weeks if I have enough spare time left.
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2007-12-08 |
Interview with me in AmigaInsider 3 (German Language) now available
The interview was made several weeks ago and covers some details about my work on ArtEffect 5, AmiDock, the Docky system and the application.library for AmigaOS 4.
If you are interested, you can find the interview in issue 3 of AmigaInsider starting on page 12 (free download using the title link).
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2004-11-15 |
Article about AmiDock and application.library publically available
In february 2003 I wrote an article about the features of my projects AmiDock and application.library which will be included in AmigaOS4.0 for the "Club Amiga" magazine. Amiga Inc. decided to make this article now also publically accessible for other readers.
You can access it over the title link; I hope you enjoy the reading... :-)
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2003-04-12 |
ExifRenamer V2.0.1 released
This version is fixes some smaller bugs of version 2.0 and doesn't introduce new features - but it is worth to update it!
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2002-12-24 |
Java Applets-pages updated
Being also a Mac OS X user since the first day, I didn't like the fact that the applets on my
homepage only worked with very few OS X browsers. I have checked several times and read a lot of documentation and I'm sure that there is a bug in OS X's appletviewer which has to do with parsing URLs. My used URL-scheme (for example ?location=applets/vlife/index) seems to confuse the URL parser.
Today I discovered a way to get all applets in spite of this problem to work by using absolute applet paths.
I have checked with every Java-enabled browser on my systems and now it works everywhere! All pages in the Java Applets section have been changed - some were even relayouted for better "user experience".
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2002-12-07 |
Unveiling OS3.9's AmiDock Easteregg... :-)
Yes - you perhaps never did expect that but AmiDock has an Easteregg, too... :)
As I do not know a not trustful person which could be used to spread around how this Easteregg is accessible by rumors, I had to describe it myself on my homepage... ;-)
If you're interested, please read on...
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2002-11-21 |
ExifRenamer V2.0 released
This version is completely rewritten from scratch and contains a lot of new features. The most important of all is, that it's now possible to fully customize the naming styles. Now there also is a better interactive mode with file preview. More then ten new features have been added and a lot of problems of the old version were solved. ExifRenamer now should be perfectly suited for normal and professional photographers.
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2002-11-21 |
AmiDock OS4 screenshots available
I'm proud to present you the first in-detail screenshots of the new AmiDock I developed for AmigaOS 4. The title link will bring you to the official AmigaOS 4 website of Amiga Inc.
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2002-09-06 |
ExifRenamer V1.3 released
Version 1.3 of ExifRenamer contains a cuple of smaller bug fixes. It now has Dutch localization added and supports TIFF files. Furtheron, ExifRenamer is now capable to rename raw (.crw) pictures when there exists a .thm file (for example Canon D30). It now also supports high-speed cameras which are capable of taking several photos within one second.
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2002-04-30 |
ExifRenamer V1.2 released
ExifRenamer replaces my former program CasioRenamer. This version fixes some problems of the previous version and introduces some helpful new features.
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2001-12-24 |
2001-11-19 |
CasioRenamer V1.0 released
Some weeks ago, I wrote a little tool which is able to rename digital photos by its embedded date informations to avoid naming styles like "pic0001.jpg".
This program names the pictures after their time information in the style "YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.jpg".
I decided that this program could be useful for some other users, too.
Amiga-Users can use for this purpose my AmiCamedia program, available at Haage&Partner.
CasioRenamer was written for Mac OS X 10.1
Amiga-Users: Please don't think that I will stop development for AmigaOS! I'm just rather busy at the moment (diploma thesis!) and have no time for larger projects.
My current plans are also targetted at the next-generation Amigas (AmigaOne/Pegasos) using high-speed G3/G4 CPUs. More to come. :-)
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2001-11-18 |
DPMSManager V1.23 released
Sorry. The last release didn't solve the problem completely. Also forgot to remove a 10 seconds delay used for debugging.
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2001-09-12 |
2001-09-12 |
Added a new applet to the Java Applets page
First of all, sorry for the silence. Can't help. I really have enough to do at the moment.
Anyway, if you're interested, have a look at the Java Applets-page to see the FuzzyLogic-based WaterMixApplet.
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2001-08-20 |
FMdriver 1.25 released
I'm glad to announce the availability of FMdriver V1.25 which contains some very useful enhancements. Now you can save and load several different video configurations (for example for 4:3 and 16:9), make time-lapse animations with FMRecorder. There were also a lot of minor fixes, FMdriver should be now really almost be perfect... ;-)
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2001-04-07 |
FMdriverVHI V1.25 released
This is a completely reworked version of my first FrameMachine VHI driver. This one should now really remove any problems caused in conjunction with VHI. You now also can use your several different configurations of the FMdriver system in your favourite VHI application.
This VHI driver bases to 100% on my newframemachine.libary which is included on the FMdriver package (you need to download this for using this driver, too!).
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2001-04-07 |
FMdriver V1.14 beta released
This is the beta version of my FrameMachine video driver, it should be again a little bit faster and has a lot of more features than the last public release.
Until february 2001, I cannot provide very good support for this as I now want to freeze all my projects to go on with my study. Thanks for your patience!
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2000-12-21 |
2000-12-21 |
Opened up a Java Applets page
This new site contains some small funny and/or useful Java Applets which I mainly wrote to satisfy my interests in java coding... :)
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2000-12-15 |
AmigaMPEGPlayer V1.02 for the AmigaSDK released
AmigaMPEGPlayer now is up to 25% faster and has a file requester.
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2000-09-07 |
writepixel V1.05 for the AmigaSDK released
It now has a sizeable window and a much cooler color gradient which changes with mouse position and time.
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2000-09-07 |
AmigaMPEGPlayer for the AmigaSDK released

(click to enlarge!)
This is version 1.00 of a MPEG Video Player for the Amiga SDK. It can playback MPEG-Anims and MPEG-System streams.
Audio is not played back because the SDK supports up to now no audio output.
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2000-08-31 |
writepixel for the AmigaSDK released

(click to enlarge!)
writepixel is a very small (less than 1kB!) demo showing a realtime color gradient and transparency effects.
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2000-08-31 |
Software updates will follow soon!
Users of my PPCjpeg- and FMdriver-Software will soon be able to download much improved versions of the two titles. More news about this in several days!
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2000-08-06 |
OpusSMBHandler 1.0 released
This ARexx script lets you browse through a Windows network environment with OpusMagellan. It provides the basic operations like copy, delete, rename and browse.
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2000-05-28 |
BDMDebug V1.02 released
Some problems have been fixed. It should now work on WinNT, too.
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2000-04-01 |
BDMDebug V1.00 released
This is a powerful Windows based (sorry for this!!!) BDM Debug Tool for Motorola ColdFire CPUs. If you're a developer of hardware designs using this type of CPU, this tool is a "must-have"... :)
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2000-03-14 |
CGXBlanker V1.25 released
A lot of good new features (ARexx interface, "Don't blank if mouse is over titlebar" option, ...) and a new blanker module "Pipe" were added!
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2000-03-03 |
DPMSManager V1.20 released
A lot of good new features (shell support, NOMOUSE, deactivateable DPMS-stages, ...) were added!
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2000-03-03 |
Now I can program my ppQBox in C!!
My brother Christian succeeded in making a GNU C ColdFire cross compiler for my SUN.
But this is only the halve thing. The output' ELF-file is not a directly runnable executable
file. The platform using it needs a loader for it.
After about 2 days of searching for ELF-manuals, analyzing the output and programming the
loader I'm now happy to tell you, that I now have no problems to run C-programs on my
ppQBox. Now it should be much more easy to go on with developing the QOS... my own Operating System for the (pp)Qbox... :)
After finishing the network-hardware and adding a small speaker to the board (for some noisy output... :) ),
I'm now working on the network software between my Amiga and the ppQBox. It's development state is about 75%, I think.
I already have packet transmission between both computers and looking forward to finish the whole thing in some days.
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2000-02-29 |
BDMDebug finished
This my ColdFire BDM-Debug interface control program. I had to program it for Wind*ws because I get
the needed DLL-file for controlling the interface only there.
I'm sure I will make later an Amiga-port of this.
I will release this tool it in the next days.
More about it you find here.
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2000-02-29 |
FMdriverVHI 1.1 released
This VHI driver fixes some problems and runs well with the V4 of VLRecNG.
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2000-01-15 |
ArtecScan2.00alpha2 released
For registered users of ArtecScan: Here is now the release of the alpha2 version of the new ArtecScan2.0. It should solve several problems. Please contact me how this version works on your machine!
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2000-01-11 |
ArtecScan2.00alpha1 released
For registered users of ArtecScan: Here is the release of the alpha1 version of the new ArtecScan2.0. It should solve some problems with AT3 and AT6 scanners. Please contact me how this version works on your machine!
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1999-12-25 |
CGXBlanker V1.21 released
There is now a prefs program with GUI and also a very nice new blanker (Flower)... Now, there are also 020+ and 040+ optimized versions included and a installer script provides easy installation.
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1999-11-15 |
FMdriverVHI released
Here we have a newcomer: FMdriverVHI. It is a FrameMachine driver vor the new VHI system.
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1999-10-31 |
ArtecScan2.00alpha released
For registered users of ArtecScan: Today I have released an alpha version of the new ArtecScan2.0! If you want to test it, you can get it on the Download Page.
Please contact me how this version works on your machine!
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1999-10-27 |
General Information
My plan with the release dates of my projects was faulty. I didn't expect to have so much work to do in the 5th semester. Also, I was (and I still am a bit) ill.
I have to excuse me some more time to all of you - the users of my programs. But I can't go on with the same speed like in the semester holidays... None of the projects is cancelled, but the global speed will be slowed down. My current plan of development looks like the following:
1. ArtecScan
2. FMdriver
3. PPCjpeg
4. CGXBlanker, ...
The development of the WizardClasses run more or less in parallel - all my programs need them.
The development of ArtecScan goes well (as far as I have the time...), now the V2.00alpha already makes a previewscan. But there is still much work to do until I can release a beta-version for all my registered users - but I'm on the right way!
Here is a screengrab of my current development environment...
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1999-10-15 |
ArtecScan News
All users of ArtecScan: the waiting should soon be over - I'm now working with power on the new version 2.0 of ArtecScan. I think in two or three week should be the first beta available!
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1999-09-15 |
FMdriver V1.12 released
IFF support was added and many small bugfixes / improvements were made.
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1999-09-01 |
FMdriver V1.10 released
There are many improvements and new features like movie recording, grabbing-program, init-tool, non-gfx-board support, etc.
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1999-08-29 |
FMdriver V1.00 released
A powerful new driver for the FrameMachine with PPC-support. It allows to watch TV on the Workbench!
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1999-08-15 |
AVL V1.00 released
A amazing simulation of virtual life.
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1999-08-15 |
DPMSManager V1.00 released
Runs together with other screen blankers and enables the energy saving methods of your monitor.
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1999-05-01 |
CGXBlanker V1.00 released
This is a small, very nice and colorful screenblanker.
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1999-03-27 |
1999-03-17 |
PPCjpeg V1.21 released
Also updated the QBox pages with new pictures and text.
Thanks to Alexander Heinze for his great digital photo camera!
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1999-01-18 |
1999-01-15 |
1999-01-11 |
1999-01-02 |
1998-07-22 |