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This app is a combination of oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer and AM/FM synthesizer and works in the audio ranges from 0 ... 22 kHz using the integrated audio interfaces. It offers full support for all systems with iOS or iPadOS with system version 13 or later.
The three operating modes offer a wide range of functions and settings:
- Very fast image display and real-time triggering
- Trigger modes: automatic, normal, single-shot
- Trigger edges: rising, falling, both
- Automatic measurement of frequency, period and amplitude
- Manual measurement of frequency, period and amplitude
- Freely selectable trigger level and time
- Variable zoom and offset
Spectrum Analyzer
- Very fast image display with the help of Apple Metal graphics acceleration
- Logarithmic or linear frequency axis
- Display modes: spectrum, waterfall and combined
- Automatic determination of the dominant frequency
- Music note calculation of the dominant frequency
- Possibility to transfer the dominant frequency to the generator/synthesizer
- Cursor for manual frequency determination
- Adjustability of bandwidth, FFT window and high-pass filter
- Adjustability of color scheme, brightness and contrast of the waterfall display
- Waveform synthesis in real time
- AM and FM modulation
- Different waveforms for base signal, AM and FM modulator
- Multiple memory locations for quick switching between different settings
- Direct input of all numerical parameters
Below are a few screenshots of "Oscilyzer":
Spectrum Analyzer
You can download "Oscilyzer" from the Apple App Store.