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Software for Apple Watch

CW 1 to 53 This native, stand-alone app allows to display the current calendar week with date information on the watch face of your Apple Watch. Additionally, it displays all calendar weeks of the current and future/past years with just one finger touch.

watchOS Software News
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.3 released
Changes in this version:
  • Resolved an issue causing the first calendar week of the current and next year to be incorrectly highlighted.
  • Corrected a visual glitch that resulted in text being partially trimmed due to rounded corners.
  • Adjusted the default calendar week setting to align with the US format for users in the region "US" after installation.
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.2 released
Changes in this version:
  • Fixed tint color of title in watchOS.
  • Changed back/forward button color from blue to black color in iOS.
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.1 released
This version makes the app compatible with older devices running watchOS 6 and iOS 13.
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.0 released
Here are the changes of this version:
  • Made the calendar week list the root menu of the watchOS app.
  • Fixed the extra large complication where in some cases the displayed information was to wide an truncated by watchOS.
  • Added an iOS app to the standalone watchOS app due to the fact that a lot of users complaining that they weren't able to install the watch app due to a known bug within the iOS/watchOS AppStore infrastructure.
  • Recompiled using the latest version of Xcode
"CW 1 to 53" V1.0.2 released
Here are the changes of this version:
  • Recompiled using the latest version of Xcode
  • The data displayed in the user interface is now updated in more occasions
  • Added a version information in the main menu
"CW 1 to 53" V1.0.1 released
Here are the changes of this version:
  • The calendar week list is now updated if the week has changed since the last start of the app
  • Added support for the calendar week systems ISO8601 (Europe) and US (changeable in the app settings)
  • Added information about the number of calendar weeks of the current year to the weekly list ("#CW: xx")
"CW 1 to 53" V1.0.0 released
At least in Europe, planning on the basis of calendar weeks is an indispensable tool in professional life.
As I am an avid user of Apple Watch and would like to have the current date together with the current calendar week always displayed on the watch face, I looked around for appropriate apps. Apps already exist, but none of them met my expectations in terms of configurability, functionality and ease of use with a visually appealing user interface.
For this reason I developed my own app for the Apple Watch, which I publish hereby.

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