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About me...

Photo of Stefan Robl (1028)
Stefan Robl, end of 2018

Some infos about me:

My name is Stefan Robl, I'm currently 45 years old and I love it to work with computers and electronics. I'm interested in almost everything concerning these topics...

I have studied Computer Science at the Fachhochschule Regensburg and successfully finished it with the title Dipl.-Inf. (FH).
I wrote my diploma thesis with the title "Entwurf und Realisierung eines generischen StepUp/Down-Reglermoduls auf Basis eines Embedded Controllers" (Design and Implementation of a generic stepup/down-converter module on the basis of an embedded controller) at Siemens VDO. Unfortunately, this work contains confidential information and cannot be published.

As my interests in physics and sciences is big, I studied physics at the Universität Regensburg for a short time. However, I ended this study very early as my main interest is definitely computer science.

For program development I use mainly C++, Python and ObjectiveC/Swift. The other languages I'm using more or less regularly are JavaScript, Java, AmosPro (Basic), ARexx, Assembler (68k, ColdFire, 68HC08, 8051, PIC, Elate-VP, x86), AmigaE, Delphi/Pascal and PHP.
My favourite computer systems are Amiga- and Macintosh-based computers but I also work on a selfmade computer system named "QBox".

As written above, my second hobby is electronics - even if I program curently much more than building new computer interfaces and such things... My knowledges in electronics are quite good and I use mainly digital circuits like FPGA's, CPLD's, GAL's (PLD's) and microcontrollers.

In my professional career I have worked with a number of companies like Endress+Hauser, Infineon, Siemens VDO, Haage&Partner, Met@box AG, Hyperion Entertainment and ah-engineering.

Don't hesitate to write me an eMail: stefan@qdev.de

Contact information

Name Stefan Robl
Age 45
Title Dipl.-Inf. (FH)
Current job Strategy Expert Measuring Systems
Research & Development Technology
Postal Address
Stefan Robl
Stenderhof 17
46569 Hünxe
Mobile phone
+49 151 22651015
0151 / 22651015
eMail stefan@qdev.de
WWW https://www.qdev.de
Wikipedia nickname Srobl
Twitter @qdev_de

Responsible for the contents of this domain: 
Stefan Robl, Stenderhof 17 / 46569 Hünxe

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