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CW 1 to 53
In the business sector, planning based on calendar weeks is indispensable. It is therefore very advantageous to always keep an eye on the current calendar week in addition to the current date. Unfortunately, until now, the Apple Watch has not provided a display of calendar weeks as standard.
As I am an enthusiastic user of the Apple Watch and would like to have the current date together with the current calendar week always displayed on the watch face, I looked around for appropriate apps. Apps already existed, but none of them met my expectations in terms of configurability, functionality and ease of use with a visually appealing user interface. For this reason I have developed an app myself.
- Support of all types of watch face complications available for the Apple Watch
- All calendar weeks of the current year and the past/future years can be listed at the touch of a finger
- All complications can be visually adapted to the most diverse design requirements
- Support for week numbering schemes ISO8601 (Monday → Sunday) and US (Sunday → Saturday): the used week numbering scheme can be changed in the app settings
- Standalone Apple Watch App, no connection to an iPhone is required
- iOS/iPadOS App which shows a plain calendar week list where you can copy&paste a specific week information to the clipboard
- The app is translated for the languages English and German
In the following you can see some screenshots from "CW 1 to 53":
You can download "CW 1 to 53" from the Apple App Store.