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Welcome to my Homepage!

On this homepage you will find information about my Soft- and Hardwareprojects for several computer systems. The navigation bars on the left and top will bring you directly to the different topics. The language selection between German and English is done automatically if your browser is properly configured; should you prefer another language, please click on the desired flag on the top-right.

Please also sign my Guestbook. Accolade and criticism is highly welcome. I will try to improve the content of this homepage according your suggestions. I would be also happy to get feedback regarding my projects - what do you like/dislike and what do you want to see in the future?

But now I wish you much fun by searching about these pages!

Stefan Robl

Homepage Update History
Nightshots 2004-11-07
Nightshots 2004-11-07 Under the title link you'll find some photos with long exposure time of a walk through Gerlingen.
Server misconfiguration!
Due to a misconfiguration of my web hoster, the scripts of my homepage aren't working fully correct. I am in contact with my web hoster to fix the server installation and to bring this site soon completely online again.
Sorry for the trouble!
2004-07-21, Update: The problems have been solved in the meanwhile - everything now works again as usual.
Holiday 2004-06
Holiday 2004-06 Under the tile link you can find some pictures I took during my holiday which I spent in the Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz/Germany), my parent's home area.
AmigaOS 4 event in Essen, Germany
AmigaOS 4 event in Essen, Germany On 2004-05-15, an AmigaOS 4 event took place in Essen, Germany. I attended this event to meet Amiga people and to show the current results of my port of ArtEffect to AmigaOS 4.

Under the title link you can see a photo gallery of the pictures which I took in Essen.
Experiments with the microwave oven
Halogen lamp in microwave oven Yet again I did some interesting experiments with my microwave oven - but this time documented with videos and pictures. Find out more by following the title link.

Always remember:
The reproduction of these experiments is quite dangerous and probably will destroy your microwave oven!

So please don't try such things yourself!!
My first creation using GarageBand...
Yesterday afternoon I bought Apple's great software package iLife 04 containing among some other cool stuff the new software GarageBand. I wondered about what a musically totally unskilled guy like me could do with it... I have to say, for my programmers hands :-) it doesn't sound that bad... if you want to judge yourself, download it here: SecondRhythms.mp3 (8.9MB)
The name was chosen because it was my second project file... the first one noone really wants to listen to... ;-)
I would highly appreciate becoming feedback!
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2004!
English version / German version
A tubes amplifier for relaxation...
tubes at night
(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)
When you have heavy stress in your daily life, a nice and warm open fire can bring an excellent relaxation. Due to the lack of a fireplace and a fire I decided to cope with stress electronically:
By using a selfmande tubes amplifier (it does glow at least)! ;-)

On the left you can see the first minutes of my prototype.
The sound quality surely cannot compete with high-end amplifiers but it is enormous impressive, though.

At the beginning, it showed a noticeable noise which I could track down to a tendence to oscillate at VHF at about 110MHz. After suppressing this characteristic, the amplifier now produces a crystal clear signal!

I'm looking forward to enjoy MP3s at evenings in the future!

BTW: 18 watts of power is needed to heat the tubes alone!! ;-)
Change of my web hoster
Within the next few days, this website will be transferred to a new web hoster. Of course, in theory, the transition should happen without much problems - but we all know Murphy's law...
So if you encounter page downtimes or bounced mails, please try again later...
Many thanks for you patience!

The transition was done without problem or any time offline!
Sitemap added
For having a quick-access to all subpages of my homepage, there now is also a sitemap.

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