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Welcome to my Homepage!

On this homepage you will find information about my Soft- and Hardwareprojects for several computer systems. The navigation bars on the left and top will bring you directly to the different topics. The language selection between German and English is done automatically if your browser is properly configured; should you prefer another language, please click on the desired flag on the top-right.

Please also sign my Guestbook. Accolade and criticism is highly welcome. I will try to improve the content of this homepage according your suggestions. I would be also happy to get feedback regarding my projects - what do you like/dislike and what do you want to see in the future?

But now I wish you much fun by searching about these pages!

Stefan Robl

Homepage Update History
ExifRenamer V2.1.1 released
This version provides a "Check for updates..."-feature and fixes a language-problem of the PayPal system.
ExifRenamer V2.1.0 released
The main feature of this version is that ExifRenamer now is a Universal Binary application which runs natively on Mac OS X machines equipped with an intel or PowerPC processor. This version also fixes some smaller bugs.
I am currently working on a new major update of ExifRenamer which I could have ready within some weeks if I have enough spare time left.
Classic-Computing 2007
Classic-Computing 2007 On 2007-09-30 I visited the small show "Classic-Computing 2007" in Stuttgart/Germany. If you like to see some pictures of this exhibition, feel free to visit my picture gallery.
Summary 2006 / Year 2007 greetings
In spite of the enormous delay, I have decided to publish a summary of my personal year 2006:
English version / German version
Doing hardware developments, again
Hardware development After having spent quite a lot of my spare time for several software developments, I have started developing hardware, again. By following the title link you can see some pictures of the setup I have worked with recently.
GB60Board schematics and layout released
GB60 Even though I've finished this board already at the beginning of the year, I've found no time for a release until today.
I now release the schematics, the layout and a short documentation together with a demonstration firmware to allow a greater audience to get access to the outstanding 9S08 family of microcontrollers from Freescale. I am sorry for the delay and hope that you'll like this project!
Golden Image Mousepad
If you own one of those old, but really excellent optical Amiga mices from Golden Image but seach for a new mouse pad, I can provide some help: Just print this picture with a high resolution printer... ;-) Works really very well! Unfortunately I have forgotten the correct scaling factor. However, it is quite easy to find out the right dot size - especially if you still own the old (damaged) mouse pad.
Summary 2005 / Year 2006 greetings
English version / German version
Laser photos
Laser photos At New Year's eve I provide instead of a firework some laser photos.
Lasers are as well "colorful" and - correctly used - as effectful as a firecracker... ;-)
Universal "GB60Board"
GB60 Some weeks ago I finished my design of a very small, universal microcontroller board powered by the Freescale 9S08GB60 microcontroller. I will publish a whole lot of information about this board within the next time.

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