Homepage Update History |
Current status
At the moment, I'm finishing my studies and besides that, I do a lot of stuff. The most important thing is my work in the AmigaOS4 development team. Then, I do again some ColdFire related stuff and improve also some other software available from me. Prepare yourself on updates of BDMDebug, DPMSManager and ExifRenamer (perhaps other stuff will come along, too.). I'm also working on some nice Mac OS X related things. It is to early to tell you any detaily on this, though. More to come withing the next weeks.
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2002-04-22 |
2001-12-24 |
ExifRenamer V1.2 released
ExifRenamer replaces my former program CasioRenamer. This version fixes some problems of the previous version and introduces some helpful new features.
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2001-12-24 |
The first Euro money in my hands!
(click to enlarge)
Even if I have not time for providing something thrilling new, I wanted to note this (Ok, it is a bit off-topic but still interesting).
As the currency changeover on 2002-01-01 will bring to all Euro-supporting states the new currency "Euro" ( € ), the banks offered a first "Starter Kit" for the people to get accustomed to this new currency.
The Starter Kit contains coins of the value €10.23 (equally to DM 20). Quite fascinating to have a totally new currency in two weeks...
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2001-12-17 |
2001-11-19 |
CasioRenamer V1.0 released
Some weeks ago, I wrote a little tool which is able to rename digital photos by its embedded date informations to avoid naming styles like "pic0001.jpg".
This program names the pictures after their time information in the style "YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.jpg".
I decided that this program could be useful for some other users, too.
Amiga-Users can use for this purpose my AmiCamedia program, available at Haage&Partner.
CasioRenamer was written for Mac OS X 10.1
Amiga-Users: Please don't think that I will stop development for AmigaOS! I'm just rather busy at the moment (diploma thesis!) and have no time for larger projects.
My current plans are also targetted at the next-generation Amigas (AmigaOne/Pegasos) using high-speed G3/G4 CPUs. More to come. :-)
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2001-11-18 |
Some words about the 11th september attacks in the USA...
I hardly can find words about what happened yesterday. It is really a shame that there are such criminal elements on earth who are willing to direct such a massaker to people. My deep sympathy with all Americans. Let's hope the best!
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2001-09-12 |
DPMSManager V1.23 released
Sorry. The last release didn't solve the problem completely. Also forgot to remove a 10 seconds delay used for debugging.
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2001-09-12 |
2001-09-12 |
Added a new applet to the Java Applets page
First of all, sorry for the silence. Can't help. I really have enough to do at the moment.
Anyway, if you're interested, have a look at the Java Applets-page to see the FuzzyLogic-based WaterMixApplet.
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2001-08-20 |