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Christmas 2001 / Year 2002 greetings
English Version / Deutsche Version

Dear friends and users of my programs!

The year 2001 nears its end and as every year I want to give you a short summary about what important happened this year to me...

The main topic of the year 2001 for me was definitely my study work. All tests, I filled this year, I passed with good results - only two more to go. The most important job I did this year for my studies was of course my work for my diploma thesis.
I got my work at Siemens VDO Automotive AG, located in Regensburg and the title of my work is "Development and Implementation of a generic StepUp/Down-Converter using an Embedded Controller".
The work was very interesting but also rather time-demanding. I'm still writing on the final work, and I will have to work several hours each day in my christmas holidays to finish the work in time until January, 14.

Because of my intense work on my diploma thesis, I this year had not much time for any big soft- and hardware-projects.
But in spite of the rare free-time, I started at least the development of a new Zorro-based development board which will allow me to develop every single important system component of my future hardware-projects (QBox!) on basis of Amiga-hardware.

A very important and interesting moment for me was March, 24 - this day, Apple Computer released their Mac OS X operating system - as I'm also very interested in Macintosh computers, I now finally have a really fantastic platform which allows me to also support the Macintosh.
ExifRenamer was my first Tool I released for the Macintosh, some bigger and much more interesting applications I already have in development... :-)

Of course, my work for AmigaOS will not end - as sign of my continued support of this wonderful platform is my agreement with Hyperion Entertainment to support also the development of AmigaOS 4.

It is really thrilling to see that there is now finally the chance to get a totally new, PowerPC-based Amiga hardware and a completely new AmigaOS!

Finally, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2002!


   Stefan Robl

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