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Semiconductor macro photos
The beauty of silicon.
After playing a bit around with macro photography recently, I decided to make some pictures of the die of several different semiconductors.
The die is the silicon area which contains the integrated circuitry itself within a microchip.
For my first tries I have chosen EPROMs which are electrically programmable memories. To erase EPROMs, they have to be placed below a strong UV (ultra-violet) light for some time. Because of that, EPROMs have a small transparent window which makes it easy to look at the chip die directly.
As additional information: Normally, those windows are covered with a sticker to avoid unwanted erasure by sunlight.
I have taken several different types of older and newer EPROMs, cleaned the erasure window as good as possible and placed them below the macro lens of my digital camera. The results are quite impressive; have a look at the thumbnails below (you can view the full size pictures as well - be prepared for really big images!).
Please note that the sometimes strong chromatic aberration and optical distortions is not caused by my used lens system but by the poor optical quality of the EPROM erasure windows.
On the left you can see a ruler photographed with the same magnification as used in the pictures below. The magnification factor depends on your screen resolution and size. On my 100dpi TFTs, I get a magification factor of 75 (in case of the full size pictures, of course).
(Click thumbnails for full size pictures.)
 AM27C020-150DC.jpg 2444 x 1602 |
 AM27128A-2DC.jpg 1638 x 1188 |
 AM27512DC.jpg 1665 x 2343 |
 D27512-25.jpg 1632 x 1920 |
 HN27C101G-17.jpg 2271 x 1920 |
 iC27210-250V05.jpg 2226 x 1920 |
 M5L2764K.jpg 1701 x 1579 |
 Microchip27C256-20.jpg 1341 x 1578 |
 NECD27256D.jpg 2205 x 1566 |
 STM27C1001-15XFI.jpg 2560 x 1329 |
 TMM41256C-15.jpg 1650 x 1824 |
 TMS27C256-10.jpg 1278 x 705 |
 TMS27C512-150.jpg 1353 x 981 |
 WSi27C210L-20.jpg 2031 x 1920 |
Slideshow created with ShowIt ©2001-2004 Stefan Robl <>