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Macintosh Software

ExifRenamer Allows to rename digital photos according its date/time it was taken. Supports also video and sounds. Works together with most cameras.

macOS Software News
ExifRenamer V2.1.3 released
This version provides compatibility to Snow Leopard's "Image Capture" and fixes several smaller issues.
ExifRenamer V2.1.1 released
This version provides a "Check for updates..."-feature and fixes a language-problem of the PayPal system.
ExifRenamer V2.1.0 released
The main feature of this version is that ExifRenamer now is a Universal Binary application which runs natively on Mac OS X machines equipped with an intel or PowerPC processor. This version also fixes some smaller bugs.
I am currently working on a new major update of ExifRenamer which I could have ready within some weeks if I have enough spare time left.
My first creation using GarageBand...
Yesterday afternoon I bought Apple's great software package iLife 04 containing among some other cool stuff the new software GarageBand. I wondered about what a musically totally unskilled guy like me could do with it... I have to say, for my programmers hands :-) it doesn't sound that bad... if you want to judge yourself, download it here: SecondRhythms.mp3 (8.9MB)
The name was chosen because it was my second project file... the first one noone really wants to listen to... ;-)
I would highly appreciate becoming feedback!
ExifRenamer V2.0.1 released
This version is fixes some smaller bugs of version 2.0 and doesn't introduce new features - but it is worth to update it!
ExifRenamer V2.0 released
This version is completely rewritten from scratch and contains a lot of new features. The most important of all is, that it's now possible to fully customize the naming styles. Now there also is a better interactive mode with file preview. More then ten new features have been added and a lot of problems of the old version were solved. ExifRenamer now should be perfectly suited for normal and professional photographers.
ExifRenamer V1.3 released
Version 1.3 of ExifRenamer contains a cuple of smaller bug fixes. It now has Dutch localization added and supports TIFF files. Furtheron, ExifRenamer is now capable to rename raw (.crw) pictures when there exists a .thm file (for example Canon D30). It now also supports high-speed cameras which are capable of taking several photos within one second.
ExifRenamer V1.2 released
ExifRenamer replaces my former program CasioRenamer. This version fixes some problems of the previous version and introduces some helpful new features.
CasioRenamer V1.1 released
This small update fixes some minor problems.
CasioRenamer V1.0 released
Some weeks ago, I wrote a little tool which is able to rename digital photos by its embedded date informations to avoid naming styles like "pic0001.jpg". This program names the pictures after their time information in the style "YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.jpg". I decided that this program could be useful for some other users, too. Amiga-Users can use for this purpose my AmiCamedia program, available at Haage&Partner.
CasioRenamer was written for Mac OS X 10.1

Amiga-Users: Please don't think that I will stop development for AmigaOS! I'm just rather busy at the moment (diploma thesis!) and have no time for larger projects. My current plans are also targetted at the next-generation Amigas (AmigaOne/Pegasos) using high-speed G3/G4 CPUs. More to come. :-)

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