101. | Rita |
| 2003-08-28 05:28:50 |
| Your website is very nice and helpful. I have been searching for a long, long, long time for a driver for the Artec Viewstation A6000C Plus and I found it only here in your website. However, you made no mention of whether your artecscan version 2 will work with Windows 98 which is the system I am using. Will it? Another question: will it work with an IWill Side 2930C SCSI adapter card?
Oops! Sorry for asking these questions but I guess it's just too cumbersome to be writing my comments and then another e-mail just to ask you these questions. That's why I decided to say everything in one go.
Anyway, your site's still a big help to ordinary computer users like me.
Thanks a lot (how is that said in German--Ich Danke?)!
100. | . |
| 2003-08-17 02:08:59 |
| ...wann erscheint endlich OS 4 ???
99. | AlienMind |
| 2003-08-07 14:55:27 |
| wie hast denn die lampe in die mikro reingebracht + stromversorgung? :) loch gebohrt... schalter ueberbrueckt??
98. | Dieter |
| 2003-08-05 00:17:32 |
| hi Stefan
des mit der mikrowelle ist wieder ein typischer "stefanscher Versuch" lol ich seh schon geändert hast du dich nicht seit du aus rgb weg bist... na denn bis demnächst mal wieder
cu stoney
97. | TerAtoM |
| 2003-06-22 12:24:17 |
| Hy,
ist echt cool was Du da so fertig gebracht hast mit Deiner QBox. Gibt es demnächst neues?
Cu TerA
96. | Bram |
| 2003-06-20 22:48:13 |
| Gibt es auch exifrenamer fur Windows ?
95. | Mauricio Junqueira |
| 2003-06-17 02:19:38 |
| Hi! I am very glad that I have found your website because it is full of great stuff and I am lover of computers and electronics. So expect that I will read a lot and maybe in the future come out with some ideas too.
See you soon!
| 2003-06-13 17:50:35 |
93. | Boris S. |
| 2003-06-12 13:42:23 |
| Hi Stefan =) Wird immer schwerer jemanden zu finden, der sich so ins Thema "Amiga" reinkniet :) Ich hoffe du kommst in den nächsten Tagen wieder online.
cYa, LOGi alias Boris S.
PS.: Das Design deiner Seite is bissl unübersichtlich auf den ersten Blick
92. | ‹bersetzungen in alle Sprachen |
| 2003-06-10 10:56:05 |
| Hallo Leute, ne tolle page habt ihr da... gutes ansprechendes Design, grüsse Frank Holzhausen