90. | Hans Voellmy |
| 2003-05-26 19:35:58 |
| Would you have the programm ExifRenamer also for Macintosh OS 9.x? I saw it for OS X.2 and liked it. Thanks for calling back. Hans Voellmy
89. | Walter |
 | 2003-05-24 17:11:02 |
| Super Site
88. | Reisen Buchen Urlaub Ferien Holidays Hotels Funtrips |
| 2003-05-23 15:37:56 |
| Hi there , nice page and a good design! Greets Shona
87. | mike |
 | 2003-04-28 21:14:10 |
| I was interested in the 68hc08 programmer.. i have the hardware, but would like to develop the software to run on a pc and use the serial port under visual basic. have you ever done anything like this ?
86. | illumineX team |
 | 2003-04-13 18:14:16 |
| Still developing on Amiga! INSANE. We took a quick poll. Mac OS X stimulates such a powerful endorphin rush, so often, that collectively we were able forget about 14 deceased pets and 9 ex-girlfriends. Doesn't Mac OS X simply move you?! :-) Drop by our site sometime. We do Java & WebObjects consulting and in our spare time we make cool games for Mac OS X. See ya!
85. | DeQuevedo |
 | 2003-04-12 16:34:17 |
| Hi Stefan!
Your page is simply great!
I¥m glad to see you make your daily job -and still developing on- AMiGA.
Please, Keep UP the best computer ever, our beloved AMiGA
DeQuevedo/aGaS Organization member of the FaBaDa AMiGA PaRtY in Asturias, Spain.
84. | JosÈ M. BraÒa |
 | 2003-04-12 13:38:52 |
| Amiga Rulez!!!!
jOBRA / aGaS
83. | mike |
 | 2003-04-11 01:16:31 |
| nette seite... sehr schöne symbole.
82. | Urmel |
| 2003-03-31 10:27:34 |
| Interesting Site!
81. | alex |
| 2003-03-24 22:11:01 |
| hallihallo. du hast dich ja nun schon auch lange nicht mehr gemeldet. ziehst einfach so mal um und das erfährt man dann nur von deiner homepage. find ich ja schon krass. naja.. lass mal wieder was von dir hören und was du jetzt so alles machst und wie es dich denn nach stuttgart gezogen hat. bis hoffentlich bald mal ciao alex