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Guestbook of Stefan Robl

Please don't use the guestbook as forum.
For questions and information requiring me to answer, please send me an eMail.
Beyond it, I'm thankful for every entry! :-)

  If you like, you can drop me a line here:

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7 (excellent)

Overall rating: 6.7 of 7   7

50.  Phil Williams   2002-07-10 19:06:00  
 Stefan, I continue to use EXIFRENAMER EVERY day. It saves tremendous amounts of time, and eliminates confusion. Thanks again! Hope you didn't spend all my donation in one place! Best, Phil
49.  Lawrence Chard   2002-06-18 20:28:44  
 Great site. We came across it accidentally while searching for "Euro Coins". If you wish to visit ours, we would love to see you. Please use the above link, or our original site:- www.24carat.co.uk
48.  Paul   2002-06-04 01:14:32  
 I'm in 2nd year sudying Micro Electronic Engineering myself.. I see you use EAGLE. Very good choice. I love it :) Stupid Protel ;) I'm a long way behind you though. I'm working on a "big" (big for me that is ;) project that uses 3 x PIC16F877s/USB, but I'd like to take a look at the Hitachi micros... will be playing with 68k CPUs soon in my course, so eventually I'd like to play with coldfire as well... Cheers, - Paul (saving for an AmigaONE/OS4)
47.  anonymous visitor   2002-06-03 22:35:58  
 On Amiga Coldfire discussion page, there is a discussion about QBox. Their project use ColdFire 5407 / V4, not V2. BTW Amiga DE / Intent support ColdFire CPU. :)
46.  4pLaY   2002-06-02 09:51:57  
 Hey! looked at youre QBox! why write a whole new OS for it? why not join in the Aros project and use that as a base for youre system?.
45.  John Buckley   2002-06-01 07:26:34  
 Great to see you still around...
44.  Man   2002-04-18 14:23:46  
 Great website ! Lots of interesting stuff. Ive never seen a Amiga PC b4 so I was wondering if you would put a pic of one ... :-) Tanks Much apreciated..... :-) :-D
43.  Robert Burkhalter   2002-03-01 04:13:50  
 Stefan, thanks for much for Exif Renamer. It works with Canon D30 files which end ".thx" but not with files which end ".crw" . Would you please fix. I will donate money if you fix. Thanks.
42.  Stephane Curzi   2002-01-22 07:38:05  
 Iím a Mac fan and i was amaze that someone using that many Operating system would bother to look at OS X. Long live the "Alternative Systems" !
41.  Peter   2002-03-01 04:13:50  
 I like your file renamer, but many of these cameras capture .tif .mov and .avi files as well as .jpg and .wav. Your program needs to not change those extensions!
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