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Guestbook of Stefan Robl

Please don't use the guestbook as forum.
For questions and information requiring me to answer, please send me an eMail.
Beyond it, I'm thankful for every entry! :-)

  If you like, you can drop me a line here:

0 (very poor)
7 (excellent)

Overall rating: 6.7 of 7   7

42.  Stephane Curzi   2002-01-22 07:38:05  
 Iím a Mac fan and i was amaze that someone using that many Operating system would bother to look at OS X. Long live the "Alternative Systems" !
41.  Peter   2002-03-01 04:13:50  
 I like your file renamer, but many of these cameras capture .tif .mov and .avi files as well as .jpg and .wav. Your program needs to not change those extensions!
40.  Hakan Venderlof   2001-10-26 02:48:52  
 Nice to see people like you who still like and use Amiga parallell to Windows... I have done some programming in C++, VB, Rebol - most definitely not at your level though :-) but I still find it very fun to use good old AmosPro... It's got a quite nice editor... You have a nice page here. grok
39.  Chuck Seevers   2001-09-17 06:59:20  
 The whole site is just great. Loads fast, contrasting colors make everything very readable. And the powerful combination of Electronic Hardware vs/w/software from the same thoughts is just that...Powerful. And I knew he knew what he's talking about from just one statement: Stupid IDE, is just that. It makes todays computers more unreliable and the real industry that rejects the "general" computer for reliable goes the SCSI route and tough UNIX or similar. Love the Qbox idea. It bends both directions, keeping in line with the Amiga and newer forward thinking solid real workhorse equipment, that can go out and not be obsolete before you get it home or to your industry. I think it has great promise!:)
38.  Simon Burgess   2001-08-21 21:31:45  
 Keep up the good word and lets revive the Amiga.
37.  Simon Mason   2001-05-28 22:00:05  
 Nice site and some great progs. I particuarly like CGXBlanker. Keep up the good work :)
36.  satsunder singh   2001-04-20 19:48:23  
 nice work :: keep up keeping up
35.  Robert Cranley   2001-03-06 23:51:04  
 Hello from Ireland!!! Excellent site! Great to see people like you, who have a great talent for and interest in new hardware, and interesting software... Keep up the good work!
34.  traudl robl   2001-03-05 17:14:34  
 auch ich möchte es nicht versäumen, mich in dein Gästebuch einzutragen - gut was?? als 11.358zigster. weiter so.....
33.  Wolli   2001-01-23 19:04:45  
 Die Hompege find ich GUT!!!!!
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