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Guestbook of Stefan Robl

Please don't use the guestbook as forum.
For questions and information requiring me to answer, please send me an eMail.
Beyond it, I'm thankful for every entry! :-)

  If you like, you can drop me a line here:

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7 (excellent)

Overall rating: 6.7 of 7   7

30.  audun e.   2000-12-18 07:42:26  
 ye olde c++ guru.. hast thou become java guru now?
29.  KOSH   2000-11-04 00:24:04  
 Great! Nice Site Stefan! Good Luck!
28.  Jonathan Ballard   2000-10-18 03:59:38  
 Hey Stefan, I don't know if you have tried to reach me or not. My ISP assigned my e-mail name account of jballard to someone else. My new e-mail address is jiballard@charter.net Thanks, Jonathan
27.  Jonathan Ballard   2000-10-11 01:24:37  
 Hey Stefan, My name is Jonathan Ballard. I found your page off the Amiga.org. Looks like you are a big Amiga-nutt like me. :) I like the Qbox project you are doing. You have some great ideas. Have you ever thought about doing an 5407 Coldfire accelerator for an Amiga? I have kicking the idea around for a few months, but am not sure where to start. I would like to share more ideas with you on this. Write me back if you are interested. Thanks, Jonathan jballard@charter.net
26.  Gary Storm   2000-10-05 07:41:22  
 Stuuning site! I`m amazed. Truly Impressed by you. Why aren`t you working at Amiga?? I personally would love a video digitiser for the Amiga PPC or Amiga One, so I can transfer all my Hi-8 video`s into Mpeg and burn them off onto disk. Keep up the brilliant work Stefan.
25.  Wolfgang Hosemann   2000-07-24 19:16:51  
24.  Stefan Robl   2000-07-04 00:48:30  
 Hi Patrick! Unfortunately I have to say you, that up to now there exists no PCB for the ppQBox. At the moment I'm too busy to do it because I have a important project to finish for a software company first. Later this year I want to design the next version of the QBox - the pQbox. And with doing this I will also make a smart version of it (tinyQBox) and I plan to release its PCB on my page. Many thanks for your request!
23.  Pelgrims   2000-07-03 12:54:42  
 Please make the pcb-file for the coldfire available on your site. So we can give it also a try. Hoping to find those data soon on your site, I maenwhle remain, P. Pelgrims
22.  Timur Uludag   2000-06-23 20:11:59  
 Hi Stefan. Deine HP ist ein wahres Vergnügen für jeden der etwas über den Selbstbau von Computer und dergleichen erfahren will. Schade das es nicht mehr HP's von dieser Güte gibt.
21.  Sascha Atrops   2000-06-06 00:00:30  
 Nachdem ich die Mail von Dir bekam, mußte ich zumindest erstmal gucken, was die QBox den darstellen sollte, bevor ich antworte. ;) Wow! Nicht schlecht, was Du da so nebenher treibst.
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