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Guestbook of Stefan Robl

Please don't use the guestbook as forum.
For questions and information requiring me to answer, please send me an eMail.
Beyond it, I'm thankful for every entry! :-)

  If you like, you can drop me a line here:

0 (very poor)
7 (excellent)

Overall rating: 6.7 of 7   7

180.  Martin S.  62008-11-29 03:32:49  
 ExifRenamer ist ein tolles Tool.
Das hab ich schon lange gesucht.

Vielen Dank!
179.  Denise Hou  62008-11-01 04:59:04  
 I was searching for EXIF editor and found your site, love the photo section on "Classic Computing"

Thanks :-)
178.  Stuart Rechter  62008-10-10 14:54:23  
 This is a really handy program. One feature that would make it infinitely more useful would be to enable it to work from within iPhoto. The issue I am trying to solve is that I have over 30,000 images in iPhoto, many have the same duplicate name because every time the batteries in the camera are replaced the serial name defaults. Many of these images are already keyworded or in multiple albums, so exporting and renaming, then reimporting is not very useful in this case. If (maybe via AppleScript) it would be possible to run ExIfRenamer on an Album within iPhoto without breaking the links to the files and by actually renaming the original files, that would be extremely useful. The duplicate names prohibit being able to drag a large selection into a folder or adequately backup files.
177.  Ajus  72008-08-20 16:25:00  
 EXIFRenamer really is an amazing app.
Now I have a perfectly neat photo collections.
Thank you very much!! :D
176.  Anshuman Aggarwal   2008-08-14 22:04:52  
 Thanks for some great software quite commonly needed. Quick feature request ( I can help implement as a programmer if you'd like to make this open source/share source)...make the automatic destination folder nestable (equivalent to the commandline -p)...and don't trap the / character in the styles and map them to - as you're doing presently. Appreciate a response back on the email encoded above as Az is @ and DOz is .

175.  Brork  72008-06-24 23:26:35  
 Hallo Stefan, cool Website - besonders hinsichtlich Amiga! Schau doch auch mal auf meiner Website (www.amigajoker.de) vorbei :) In diesem Sinne Beste Grüße von einem weiteren FH'ler aus dem Informatikbereich ;) ... Brork
174.  Daniel Schaffmeister  62008-05-18 23:40:17  
 Hallo Stefan,

Ich bin auch Einzelkämpfer. Auch Einzelkämpfer in Sachen Entwicklung aber von 3D Betrachtern Bzw. wichtiger noch: 3D Monitoren.
Das Thema Mache ich schon seit ich ca. 13 bin. Also demnach 23 Jahre. Was soll´s. Obwohl ich selbst keine Ahnung vom Programmieren etc. habe hört sich bei Dir alles sehr Stimmig und klar an (QBox). Das ist mir bisher noch nie begegnet. Unvermeidbar aber kurz und knapp: Eine Stereoskopische Gui schon aus dem "innersten" Punkt des Systems das hätte was.
Kein aufgeflanschtes Grafikkarten Gewerks. So ein "Stereo-Monitor" bau ich Dir bei Bedarf aus zwei ganz stinknormalen Monitoren zusammen.

Entwicklungshelferische Grüsse
Daniel Schaffmeister
173.  Kelly Degan   2008-04-30 19:33:32  
 Thanks so much for writing ExitRenamer. It saves me a ton of time!!
172.  Claus  72008-02-19 11:28:40  
 Hi Stefan,

Vielen Dank für Exif Renamer!!

171.  Amin  72008-02-09 13:48:20  
 Sehr tolle Website!
Der GarageBand-Sound ist doch gelungen! Hut ab :)
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