110. | Milan |
 | 2004-04-29 17:47:49 |
| Very god stuff for mc5206e........really god......
109. | Johannes Doderer |
 | 2004-03-18 13:45:09 |
| I love this site. You are a very unique collection of talent !
108. | orlando |
| 2004-01-27 01:09:07 |
| Hi Stefan,
schöne sachen machst du da mal wieder - röhre - analog und so - tstststs
107. | Robert |
 | 2003-12-17 08:16:34 |
| Diese Seite ist absolut faszinierend und interessant.
mfg Robert
106. | federico |
 | 2003-12-05 22:16:33 |
105. | Frank |
 | 2003-12-03 13:27:06 |
| Bin nur durch einen einen Zufall auf deine Seite gelangt und verstehe auch nicht besonders viel von dem ganzen Zeug, muß aber gestehen, dass deine Homepage wahnsinnig gut aussieht und sehr interssant ist. Weiter so! MfG Frank
104. | Valentin |
| 2003-11-04 17:28:02 |
| Vielen Dank aus Shanghai für den ExifRenamer ... bin ein grosser Fan!
103. | anonymous visitor |
| 2003-10-06 14:23:40 |
| electronics. So expect that I will read a lot and maybe in the future come out with some ideas too.
See you soon!
102. | Sven |
 | 2003-09-14 18:53:37 |
| Hallo!
Tolle Seite hast Du - aber schade daß es das Programm Exif-Renamer nicht für Windows gibt. Genauso so ein Proggie suche ich nämlich ...
101. | Rita |
 | 2003-08-28 05:28:50 |
| Your website is very nice and helpful. I have been searching for a long, long, long time for a driver for the Artec Viewstation A6000C Plus and I found it only here in your website. However, you made no mention of whether your artecscan version 2 will work with Windows 98 which is the system I am using. Will it? Another question: will it work with an IWill Side 2930C SCSI adapter card?
Oops! Sorry for asking these questions but I guess it's just too cumbersome to be writing my comments and then another e-mail just to ask you these questions. That's why I decided to say everything in one go.
Anyway, your site's still a big help to ordinary computer users like me.
Thanks a lot (how is that said in German--Ich Danke?)!