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Macintosh Software

ExifRenamer Allows to rename digital photos according its date/time it was taken. Supports also video and sounds. Works together with most cameras.

macOS Software News
ExifRenamer V2.4.0 released
Here are the changes of this version:
  • ExifRenamer is now a Universal macOS Binary and runs on the super cool Apple Silicon Macs and Intel Macs natively.
  • ExifRenamer did not update the creation date (if this option was activated) for the case that the file name didn't change during renaming.
  • Fixed a daylight savings time problem when handling RIFF/AVI file formats.
  • Fixed broken PayPal link.
Compatibility information about ExifRenamer and macOS "Catalina"
Due to the fact that I get repeated requests about the compatibility of ExifRenamer to macOS "Catalina":
Since version 2.2.0, ExifRenamer is a 64bit application. During 2018/2019, I've spent quite some time to clean up the source code of ExifRenamer to being able to provide a modern implementation of this application.
As a result, I've successfully tested ExifRenamer with the beta and release versions of macOS Catalina! :-)
ExifRenamer V2.3.3 released
Here are the changes of this version:
  • Added support for file formats using the QuickTime movie container (MOV, MPEG4, MP4, M4V, ...).
  • Fixed a problem which caused a crash when ExifRenamer tried to append evaluated file type suffix information.
  • Fixed a problem with retrieving a correct date/time from RIFF/AVI file formats.
  • Added support for the ancient JPEG "Picture Info" tag which was used by certain old cameras.
  • Added the possibility to filter out all Exif dates which appear before a definable date. This allows to deal with unset camera clocks or broken time stamp information.
  • ExifRenamer now allows to use the file modification date as date/time source, as well (selectable within naming style preferences).
  • Changed the way how ExifRenamer handles hidden files and folders: Previously, only files with "." as prefix were ignored. Now, all files and folders (!) which are invisible within the Finder are ignored. This option can be disabled.
  • Added the possibility to add a suffix to the counter. This makes it possible to recreate the Finder's typical "Name (2).jpg" scheme in case of multiple files with identical names.
  • Fixed the behaviour of the subsecond options %b and %B to match the description.
ExifRenamer V2.3.2 released
Here are the changes of this version:
  • Fixed a bug which caused ExifRenamer to "forget" several preferences settings.
  • Fixed some typos in the German translation.
  • Improved the version check mechanism to correctly show update information when using beta versions of ExifRenamer, as well.
ExifRenamer V2.3.1 released
Here are the changes of this version:
  • ExifRenamer is now able to create hierarchical folder structures when moving the pictures. For example, you can now generate folder structures like YEAR/MONTH/DAY/picturename.
  • Fixed multiple typos within application and documentation texts.
  • Reduced the size of the enclosed introduction/documentation PDFs.
  • Added support for the "Hardened Runtime" on macOS 10.14.
  • ExifRenamer is now a so called "Notarized App" which means it is checked through Apple's security servers. This feature was introduced by Apple with macOS Mojave.
  • Added twitter links to the about window and the documentation.
  • Added the possibility to extract and use GPS location information as placeholder.
  • Fixed the missing realtime update of the name preview when typing within the prefix/suffix text fields of the confirm file/folder windows.

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