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Welcome to my Homepage!

On this homepage you will find information about my Soft- and Hardwareprojects for several computer systems. The navigation bars on the left and top will bring you directly to the different topics. The language selection between German and English is done automatically if your browser is properly configured; should you prefer another language, please click on the desired flag on the top-right.

Please also sign my Guestbook. Accolade and criticism is highly welcome. I will try to improve the content of this homepage according your suggestions. I would be also happy to get feedback regarding my projects - what do you like/dislike and what do you want to see in the future?

But now I wish you much fun by searching about these pages!

Stefan Robl

Homepage Update History
FMdriverVHI 1.1 released
This VHI driver fixes some problems and runs well with the V4 of VLRecNG.
ArtecScan2.00alpha2 released
For registered users of ArtecScan: Here is now the release of the alpha2 version of the new ArtecScan2.0. It should solve several problems. Please contact me how this version works on your machine!
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2000!
English version / German version
ArtecScan2.00alpha1 released
For registered users of ArtecScan: Here is the release of the alpha1 version of the new ArtecScan2.0. It should solve some problems with AT3 and AT6 scanners. Please contact me how this version works on your machine!
Amiga AutoConfig(TM) Card
On request, I have added an image with infos about my autoconfig card prototype.
CGXBlanker V1.21 released
There is now a prefs program with GUI and also a very nice new blanker (Flower)... Now, there are also 020+ and 040+ optimized versions included and a installer script provides easy installation.
FMdriverVHI released
Here we have a newcomer: FMdriverVHI. It is a FrameMachine driver vor the new VHI system.
Big homepage update
I have updated almost all areas of my homepage. I also made infos available about PPCjpeg, CGXBlanker and DPMSManager.
ArtecScan2.00alpha released
For registered users of ArtecScan: Today I have released an alpha version of the new ArtecScan2.0! If you want to test it, you can get it on the Download Page. Please contact me how this version works on your machine!
General Information
My plan with the release dates of my projects was faulty. I didn't expect to have so much work to do in the 5th semester. Also, I was (and I still am a bit) ill. I have to excuse me some more time to all of you - the users of my programs. But I can't go on with the same speed like in the semester holidays... None of the projects is cancelled, but the global speed will be slowed down. My current plan of development looks like the following:
1. ArtecScan
2. FMdriver
3. PPCjpeg
4. CGXBlanker, ...
The development of the WizardClasses run more or less in parallel - all my programs need them.
The development of ArtecScan goes well (as far as I have the time...), now the V2.00alpha already makes a previewscan. But there is still much work to do until I can release a beta-version for all my registered users - but I'm on the right way! Here is a screengrab of my current development environment...

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