PPCjpeg is a simple but very fast JPEG viewer for Amigas having
a PPC inside and WarpOS running.
The viewer supports as far as I know all image types of JPEG and opens
a window on a public screen (default: default public screen).
The public screen must be running under CyberGraphX or Picasso96 in
Hi/True-Color (>=15 Bit).
PPCjpeg is also able to display images which are bigger than your
Workbench screen, you can scroll around in the image (using scroll-bars
and/or the cursor keys).
The cursor key-scrolling supports the following types:
20-pixel scrolling (just press the cursor keys)
200-pixel scrolling (press SHIFT together with the cursor keys)
single pixel scrolling (alt and the cursor keys)
"border jumping" (ALT, SHIFT and the cursor keys together)
The program also displays the file name, size (pixels), raw-size (kb/MB)
and the type (color, grayscale) of the loaded JPEG image.
PPCjpeg also supports to save the decoded image as PPM-file (just use
the menu entry "Save as PPM...").