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Welcome to my Homepage!

On this homepage you will find information about my Soft- and Hardwareprojects for several computer systems. The navigation bars on the left and top will bring you directly to the different topics. The language selection between German and English is done automatically if your browser is properly configured; should you prefer another language, please click on the desired flag on the top-right.

Please also sign my Guestbook. Accolade and criticism is highly welcome. I will try to improve the content of this homepage according your suggestions. I would be also happy to get feedback regarding my projects - what do you like/dislike and what do you want to see in the future?

But now I wish you much fun by searching about these pages!

Stefan Robl

Homepage Update History
FMdriver V1.14 beta released
This is the beta version of my FrameMachine video driver, it should be again a little bit faster and has a lot of more features than the last public release. Until february 2001, I cannot provide very good support for this as I now want to freeze all my projects to go on with my study. Thanks for your patience!
vlife applet released
Now the Java version of AVL is finally finished and available on my Java Applets page.
Lost all eMails of 2000-12-14/15 !!!
If you have sent me an eMail, please resend it so I can answer it! Sorry!!
Opened up a Java Applets page
This new site contains some small funny and/or useful Java Applets which I mainly wrote to satisfy my interests in java coding... :)
AmigaMPEGPlayer V1.02 for the AmigaSDK released
AmigaMPEGPlayer now is up to 25% faster and has a file requester.
writepixel V1.05 for the AmigaSDK released
It now has a sizeable window and a much cooler color gradient which changes with mouse position and time.
AmigaMPEGPlayer for the AmigaSDK released
(click to enlarge!)
This is version 1.00 of a MPEG Video Player for the Amiga SDK. It can playback MPEG-Anims and MPEG-System streams. Audio is not played back because the SDK supports up to now no audio output.
writepixel for the AmigaSDK released
(click to enlarge!)
writepixel is a very small (less than 1kB!) demo showing a realtime color gradient and transparency effects.
AmigaSDK in Action!
AmigaSDK running some stuff
(click to enlarge!)
Of course I have installed the AmigaSDK on my Linux-machine, too! At the moment I'm "playing" around with the VP-Assembler (VP = Virtual Processor) and trying to port over some useful programs.
The new system is really impressing fast and it is rather easy to code for it, too. But we all programmers wait for the really needed SDK-update to get the final GUI and of course Sound-support, too.
The picture shows the SDK running Quake, a selfwritten WritePixelDemo, Tunnel and of course the nice BoingBall... ;)
Software updates will follow soon!
Users of my PPCjpeg- and FMdriver-Software will soon be able to download much improved versions of the two titles. More news about this in several days!

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