ArtecScan 2.0

Now available: Information and Preview of the new ArtecScan 2.0alpha.
For all registered ArtecScan-Users this update is as usual for free!

The new version has a totally reworked GUI (StormWizard), which makes it possible to resize all windows of ArtecScan - at least ;)


Also a "Bubble-Help" for every gadget/field is added, so you will be able to use ArtecScan almost without reading the documentation.


The preview window is now resizeable and has some new functionality. It is now possible to Zoom (in/out) the prescanned image to get more details when setting the scanarea-frame.


Supported scanners:
(*) This scanner is soon supported again, please still use ArtecScan V1.24 to use this scanner at the moment.

Features are:

Planned features:

You can download the latest version of ArtecScan here.
Also availible is the old version, ArtecScanV1.24.
This is the print version. Back to normal view