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Macintosh Software

ExifRenamer Erlaubt das Umbenennen von Digitalfotos anhand des Datums/der Uhrzeit, an dem es "geschossen" wurde. Unterstützt auch Video und Sound. Arbeitet zusammen mit den meisten Kameras.

macOS Software Neuigkeiten
ExifRenamer V2.4.0 veröffentlicht
Hier sind die Änderungen in dieser Version:
  • ExifRenamer is now a Universal macOS Binary and runs on the super cool Apple Silicon Macs and Intel Macs natively.
  • ExifRenamer did not update the creation date (if this option was activated) for the case that the file name didn't change during renaming.
  • Fixed a daylight savings time problem when handling RIFF/AVI file formats.
  • Fixed broken PayPal link.
Hinweis zur Kompatibilität von ExifRenamer zu macOS "Catalina"
Aufgrund der Tatsache, daß ich immer wieder Anfragen zur Kompatibilität von ExifRenamer zu macOS "Catalina" erhalte:
Seit Version 2.2.0 ist ExifRenamer eine 64bit-Applikation. Im Laufe von 2018/2019 habe ich einige Zeit in das Aufräumen des Quellcodes von ExifRenamer gesteckt, um eine moderne Implementierung dieser Applikation anbieten zu können.
Als Ergebnis konnte ich ExifRenamer erfolgreich unter den Beta- und Finalversionen von macOS Catalina testen! :-)
ExifRenamer V2.3.3 veröffentlicht
Hier sind die Änderungen in dieser Version:
  • Added support for file formats using the QuickTime movie container (MOV, MPEG4, MP4, M4V, ...).
  • Fixed a problem which caused a crash when ExifRenamer tried to append evaluated file type suffix information.
  • Fixed a problem with retrieving a correct date/time from RIFF/AVI file formats.
  • Added support for the ancient JPEG "Picture Info" tag which was used by certain old cameras.
  • Added the possibility to filter out all Exif dates which appear before a definable date. This allows to deal with unset camera clocks or broken time stamp information.
  • ExifRenamer now allows to use the file modification date as date/time source, as well (selectable within naming style preferences).
  • Changed the way how ExifRenamer handles hidden files and folders: Previously, only files with "." as prefix were ignored. Now, all files and folders (!) which are invisible within the Finder are ignored. This option can be disabled.
  • Added the possibility to add a suffix to the counter. This makes it possible to recreate the Finder's typical "Name (2).jpg" scheme in case of multiple files with identical names.
  • Fixed the behaviour of the subsecond options %b and %B to match the description.
ExifRenamer V2.3.2 veröffentlicht
Hier sind die Änderungen in dieser Version:
  • Fixed a bug which caused ExifRenamer to "forget" several preferences settings.
  • Fixed some typos in the German translation.
  • Improved the version check mechanism to correctly show update information when using beta versions of ExifRenamer, as well.
ExifRenamer V2.3.1 veröffentlicht
Hier sind die Änderungen in dieser Version:
  • ExifRenamer is now able to create hierarchical folder structures when moving the pictures. For example, you can now generate folder structures like YEAR/MONTH/DAY/picturename.
  • Fixed multiple typos within application and documentation texts.
  • Reduced the size of the enclosed introduction/documentation PDFs.
  • Added support for the "Hardened Runtime" on macOS 10.14.
  • ExifRenamer is now a so called "Notarized App" which means it is checked through Apple's security servers. This feature was introduced by Apple with macOS Mojave.
  • Added twitter links to the about window and the documentation.
  • Added the possibility to extract and use GPS location information as placeholder.
  • Fixed the missing realtime update of the name preview when typing within the prefix/suffix text fields of the confirm file/folder windows.

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