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Welcome to my Homepage!

On this homepage you will find information about my Soft- and Hardwareprojects for several computer systems. The navigation bars on the left and top will bring you directly to the different topics. The language selection between German and English is done automatically if your browser is properly configured; should you prefer another language, please click on the desired flag on the top-right.

Please also sign my Guestbook. Accolade and criticism is highly welcome. I will try to improve the content of this homepage according your suggestions. I would be also happy to get feedback regarding my projects - what do you like/dislike and what do you want to see in the future?

But now I wish you much fun by searching about these pages!

Stefan Robl

Homepage Update History
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.3 released
Changes in this version:
  • Resolved an issue causing the first calendar week of the current and next year to be incorrectly highlighted.
  • Corrected a visual glitch that resulted in text being partially trimmed due to rounded corners.
  • Adjusted the default calendar week setting to align with the US format for users in the region "US" after installation.
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.2 released
Changes in this version:
  • Fixed tint color of title in watchOS.
  • Changed back/forward button color from blue to black color in iOS.
ExifRenamer V2.4.0 released
Here are the changes of this version:
  • ExifRenamer is now a Universal macOS Binary and runs on the super cool Apple Silicon Macs and Intel Macs natively.
  • ExifRenamer did not update the creation date (if this option was activated) for the case that the file name didn't change during renaming.
  • Fixed a daylight savings time problem when handling RIFF/AVI file formats.
  • Fixed broken PayPal link.
"CW 1 to 53" V1.1.1 released
This version makes the app compatible with older devices running watchOS 6 and iOS 13.

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